FireFit Relay

Just getting into FireFit? Why not try the FireFit Relay Event?

3 to 5 person teams complete the 7 tasks that make up the FireFit Event. This is fast, fun and is a good way to get your feet wet and learn techniques. Those Events that are 2 Days feature a Relay Tournament for those who want more than just 1 or 2 Races, AND like strategy!

Categories include: Men, Women, Mixed, Over 40, Over 50, Over 60, Industrial Relay & Pre-Fire School Relay.

National Categories Include: Volunteer Relay

Here is how it works!

FireFit Relay

To compete in the FireFit Relay a team must consist of 3 to 5 individuals who will complete one or more of the seven tasks. All competitors wear full turnout gear (helmet, coat and pants with liners, boots and gloves) and wear but do not breathe from a SCBA. Competitors provide their own NFPA approved structural firefighting turnout gear.  SCBA-will be provided by FireFit.  

For the Seeding Round a start list will be prepared by the FireFit Administrator with course sides determined.  For the Knockout rounds a coin toss will determine the lane (Yellow or Red Course) that the team will run on. The team is then pre-positioned in their assigned locations. Variations apply, but each task must be completed before exchanging the flashlight. The flashlight must be carried in your hand and exchanges are grasp to grasp. A 2 second penalty will apply if not grasp to graspYou may not touch any piece of equipment prior to the exchange. A 2-second penalty is given for each infraction. The flashlight may not be put in the mouth, pockets or in clips at anytime.

All competitors must compete in each round.  If a competitor does not compete in a round they cannot continue into another round.

In the Knockout round prior to each race a coin toss will take place and the winning team has the choice of which side of the course they would like to run on in that round. Mixed Relay Rules: Prior to the first round of the Mixed Relay a draw is done to determine what tasks the female members of the teams will do in each round.  This includes the Bronze and Gold Medal rounds. The tasks are:
  1. Hi-Rise / Stairs Up
  2. Donut Roll Pull
  3. Stairs DOWN
  4. Force Machine
  5. Run Hydrants
  6. Hose Drag / Show Water
  7. Victim Rescue
  8. Stairs Up / Stairs Down
  9. Stairs Down / Force Machine
  10. Force Machine / Hydrants
  11. Hydrants / Hose Drag / Show Water

1st Task: Stair Climb with Hi-Rise Pack. With flashlight in hand carry a Hi-Rise pack, 4-foot bundle of 4-inch hose weighing 42 pounds, to the sixth floor. The Hi-Rise pack must be deposited in the box at the top of the tower.  Proper placement is on or in the box, with no part of the Hi-Rise Pack touching the deck. The second competitor is already positioned at the top of the tower. Once the first competitor reaches the top of the tower, has one foot on the top platform and has deposited the hi-rise pack in the box, he may then make the exchange.

2nd Task: Hose Hoist From the top of the tower, using a hand over hand motion, pull a 5/8-inch kern-mantle rope to hoist a donut roll of LDH hose (42 pounds). This Task is complete when the donut roll clears the rail and is placed in the designated box at the top of the tower. Proper placement is on or in the box, with no part of the donut roll touching the deck. The donut roll must not leave the top platform, or it will result in disqualification. Competitors 5'6" and under are allowed to stand on the Hi Rise pack with the option, on completion, to place the pack in or on the box or be assessed a 2 second penalty. Upon completion of the hose hoist the competitor then retrieves and passes off the flashlight or continues down the tower. When receiving the flashlight the next competitor, must have 1 foot on the top landing of the tower.  Flashlights falling off the tower have a 10 second penalty in seeding round and disqualification in knockout rounds.

3rd Task: Descending the Tower the Competitor who is descending the tower must touch every stair and use the handrails. Once the competitor has both feet on the ground they may pass off the flashlight to the next competitor who then moves to the force machine.   The force machine cannot be used to enable the exchange.  Exchanges must be grasp to grasp and in clear view of the official.  A 2 second penalty will apply if not grasp to grasp.

4th Task: Forcible Entry Once on the Force Machine the competitor uses a Trusty Cook 9-pound dead-blow mallet to move the beam along 10" until some part of the green decal can be seen.  Once complete the competitor must place the mallet on the designated 4' x 4' area, pick up the flashlight and hand it off to the next competitor.  If the hammer does not stay in the 4' x 4' area a 2 second penalty is given.

5th Task: Run This competitor runs 140 feet around the hydrants as fast as they can, then hands off or shoulders a 1.75" fully charged hose line. There is a 5 second penalty for missing a hydrant and a 2 second penalty for knocking over a hydrant.   Note: If passing off the flashlight to a waiting competitor the nozzle must not be touched until the flashlight has been exchanged grasp to grasp.

6th Task: Hose Advance The hose advance competitor shoulders a 1.75" fully charged BullDog hose line and drags it 75 feet. Once the nozzle crosses the 75-foot mark, the competitor opens the nozzle, hits the target with the stream of water.  There is a 2 second penalty for missing the target.  The competitor must close the nozzle before passing the flashlight. Exchanging the flashlight while the nozzle is open results in a 5-second penalty. Once the hose advance is complete the competitor moves towards the final task and either completes the Victim Rescue or hands the flashlight off to the final competitor, who is stationed between the target and victim.

Task 7: Victim Rescue The final competitor moves to the victim rescue task where a 175-pound mannequin, plus coveralls and boots, must be lifted and moved backwards a distance of 100 feet. Carrying the mannequin in your arms or over your shoulder is not permitted. The mannequin must not be grasped by its clothing or appendages. There is a 2 second penalty for spiking the mannequin. The Relay is complete when the competitor and mannequin cross the finish line breaking the beam and stopping the clock. The mannequin's feet must be completely across the blue line.

Note:  The rest of the team must stop at the last hydrant so that the final competitor is not interfered with when crossing the finish line.  Failure to stay behind the last hydrant results in a 2-second penalty.

The FireFit Relay is open to active, medically cleared structural fire fighters, as well as enrolled, medically cleared pre-fire service school students, 19 years and older. All competitors must sign a waiver and release form prior to accessing the course. Teams may consist of 3 to 5 individuals. For registration costs please see Entry Fee Page. Registration is done through the FireFit On-Line Registration System. Prior to registering a Team for an Event each member of the team must complete an on-line Competitor Profile & Health Questionnaire. This is also accessed through the On-Line Registration System.


  • By Admin
  • last updated: Feb 29, 2024

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